My Koenigsegg CCR key fob won’t work


You have decided to drive your beautiful Koenigsegg CCR but you just can’t unblock the doors with your key fob!

You begin to freak out, wondering what’s wrong with this damn automobile but keep calm, it’s most certainly nothing at all! We will find out mutually the potential points that causes your key fob no longer open your car

Initially, we will examine if this can be a remote key concern by simply using the backup key. In the event that you see that the doors of your car open by way of this key set, it is certainly the battery of your key fob failing you. In this case the remedy is generally basic. Acquire a new battery, type CR2032 or CR2025 and substitute the malfunctioning battery by the fresh and you’re done. There is no need to reprogram the remote key with a elementary change of battery.

My Koenigsegg CCR remote key is not working

You may buy a brand-new battery for your Koenigsegg CCR remote key fob on Amazon by using these following web links

A bad contact on your remote key?

Assuming the unlock control key of your remote key would not function but the rest look like to be working, it’s almost certainly a bad contact. In this case, you should maybe make an effort to repair the loose connection yourself or pay for a recent key that has to be programmed to go in your car. We recommend you to buy a new key, you are going to gain time and the retail price is not going to ruin you.

Reprogram the Remote Key of your Koenigsegg CCR

To reprogram a remote key bought on the internet, you will need to adopt these basic guidelines, which will accommodate on most cars. Your vehicle may request various other manipulation. In this case, just locate the documentation report provided with your automobile.

  • Dive into your automobile with your key and the remote key you just purchased.
  • Put the key inside of the ignition and turn on without beginning your automobile. Based upon your car make, you may possibly need to perform this action few times.
  • Once you have skillfully engaged your car into program mode, which usually plays a sound the moment it’s performed, press any button on your new remote key and you’re done.

In the event that all the tips offered previously panics you and you don’t think the fact that you can fix your remote key without any help, you can visit a mechanic.

Have a look on other troubleshooting for your Koenigsegg CCRsuch as:

Last update on 2019-02-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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